Hooray Elke! I don’t know if you remember me, but I was the facilitator many years ago for the STAMP group – I’ve since moved to Ottawa (9 years ago) and have been working in Enviro Impact Assessment here. 2 years ago I started my own company and work mainly for First Nation communities – check out my website: burgessplan.com. Glad you had the Big Lake report on your website – I was looking for examples of work and this was it! Thanks very much. Send me a note when you have some time. Best,
Hooray Elke! I don’t know if you remember me, but I was the facilitator many years ago for the STAMP group – I’ve since moved to Ottawa (9 years ago) and have been working in Enviro Impact Assessment here. 2 years ago I started my own company and work mainly for First Nation communities – check out my website: burgessplan.com. Glad you had the Big Lake report on your website – I was looking for examples of work and this was it! Thanks very much. Send me a note when you have some time. Best,