Minutes of a Regular Meeting of St. Albert City Council held in the Council Chambers, St. Albert Place, on October 26 at 4:00 p.m.
Mayor Crouse
Councillor Bracko
Councillor Burrows
Councillor Garritty
Councillor Jones
Councillor Lemieux
Councillor Watamaniuk (D-7:07 pm)
B. Holtby, City Manager
N. Jamieson, General Manager, Planning & Engineering
D. Screpnek, General Manager, Corporate Services
B. Triedler, General Manager, Business & Strategic Services
S. Laarhuis, Chief Legislative Officer
C. Landry, Legislative Officer
Liz Samson, stated that she is in favour of relocating the AltaLink transmission line based on environmental and aesthetic reasons. The line is a contributing factor to bird deaths in the area and the current location of the lines infringes upon an area that is unique to St. Albert and is intended to be a tourist attraction for visitors to St. Albert.
Dave Burkhart, stated that if the Federal Government were to enforce the Migratory Bird Act the City would be in contravention. Mr. Burkhart further stated that environmental issues should be a priority; therefore, he is in support of relocating the line.
E. Blodgett, spoke in favour of relocating the AltaLink transmission line as it is a major cause of bird deaths in the area and is not aesthetically pleasing to the area. Ms. Blodgett provided a virtual tour of the area.
(C594-2008) Moved by Councillor Garritty
That the presentation by E. Blodgett be received.
For: Bracko, Burrows, Crouse, Garritty, Jones, Lemieux, Watamaniuk
(C595-2008) Moved by Councillor Watamaniuk
In respect of the previous Council’s direction in motion 585-2007, that $350,000 be allocated immediately from the Stabilization Reserve to match the funds being provided by AltaLink Transmission and Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation to relocate the existing 128 KV transmission line 747L to the east side of Ray Gibbon Drive.
Councillor Bracko requested that the motion be split into two parts between “747L” and “to”.
(C595-2008) Moved by Councillor Watamaniuk
In respect of the previous Council’s direction in motion 585-2007, that $350,000 be allocated immediately from the Stabilization Reserve to match the funds being provided by AltaLink Transmission and Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation to relocate the existing 128 KV transmission line 747L.
For: Garritty, Watamaniuk
Against: Bracko, Burrows, Crouse, Jones, Lemieux
(C596-2008) Moved by Councillor Burrows
That Administration explore the possibility of having the Government of Alberta, Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation, together with AltaLink, pay for relocating the power line underground or on ground; and that Administration consult with Alberta Transportation to secure approval of the right-of-way on Ray Gibbon Drive.
For: Burrows, Jones, Lemieux, Watamaniuk
Against: Bracko, Crouse, Garritty
City Council October 20, 2008/Page 3
Information Request
Administration was requested to provide a report to a Council meeting outlining options in regard to motion C585-2007 [That Administration put aside $350,000 within the update of the capital plan during the 2008 budget review process, as the City’s share for the AltaLink project.].